Veggie Health

How to identify labels when buying meat

Another trip to the freezer section of your local grocery store and you’re bound to notice a lot of different labels on meat products. Organic, “herbal”… Do they have any real benefits, as opposed to regular meat? Organic meat is thought to have a slightly higher range of omega-3 fatty acids, which are natural anti-inflammatory…

1 min read

Fat can be helpful in losing weight

Choosing softer cuts of meat is healthy, but the fat on the meat is not harmful per se. However, if you want to avoid meat fat specifically, just eat healthier sources of fat: avocado, olive oil, salmon, nuts and seeds. Ultimately, whether or not you should eat less fat depends on your preferred diet. The…

1 min read

Food of love: A list of aphrodisiac foods that increase libido

What is love food, and how to increase libido with simple products? Valentine’s Day, March 8th, wedding anniversary… These are the days when romance is in the air, and the best way to celebrate the holiday is to have a romantic homemade dinner. And if, in addition to this, you want to give your loved…

3 min read

Examples of unhealthy nitrate content in foods

Hot dogs and other fast food. Like many foods that are easy to prepare and inexpensive to make and buy, these foods are a typical example of heavy nitrate content. Despite the popularity of fast foods and similar products, this is one of the worst foods that you feed the body. Nitrates are an important…

2 min read

Difference between nitrite and nitrate

Some people confuse the words nitrite and nitrate, but they are different compounds. Both nitrites and nitrates are naturally occurring inorganic compounds composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Their main difference is that nitrates have three oxygen molecules, while nitrites have only two. Nitrates are so common that they are found naturally in soil, water, and…

2 min read

Organic berries

Try to keep as many types of berries in the refrigerator as possible. Berries are low in sugar and high in fiber. They are filled with vitamins A, C and E and have anti-inflammatory properties. Berries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods. For example, the reason blueberries are so blue is due to the…

1 min read


Start each morning with warm lemon water to jump-start your digestion and fill your body with antioxidants, including immune-boosting Vitamin C. While lemons contain natural acids that aid digestion, they are alkaline-forming. Once these acids enter the digestive process, they act as a cleansing agent to flush out toxins from the body. Other benefits of…

1 min read

Almond milk

As a healthy source of fat, protein, and nutrients, almonds do wonders for smooth, bright skin. It is high in the anti-stress component magnesium, which helps to relax muscles, calm the nervous system, and support a healthy digestive system. Consuming almonds stimulates the body to protect itself from harmful free radicals that can lead to…

1 min read


All fats are equally harmful and beneficial. Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats that boost brain function and heart health. These healthy fats, along with the naturally high fiber content in avocados, help lower cholesterol (LDL), stabilize blood sugar, and maintain a healthy weight. With Vitamins K, C, E, and A, a variety of…

1 min read


This nutritious and dense leafy green vegetable is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and plenty of phytonutrients – carotenoids and flavonoids – that provide protection against free radical damage. Spinach fiber helps you maintain weight while staying full. Spinach is also a cosmetic product. The high content of Vitamin C, which is necessary for the…

1 min read