Recipe for a healthy heart: Cholesterol under control

In Cooking
1 min read

We bring to your attention a recipe for a healthy heart from cereals, which has a beneficial effect on the health of this important organ. With this dish, you will start the day cheerful and cheerful, keeping your cholesterol under control. Follow the simple instructions below.

4 cups of oats;
1 cup oat bran;
1/2 cup non-fat dry milk;
1/2 cup lean soy flour
1/2 almond flour;
1/2 cup flax seeds;
1/4 cup sesame.Recipe for a healthy heart: Cholesterol under control

Cooking method
(you can mix all of these ingredients together and store in an airtight container in the freezer to have a ready-to-use quick-cook mix on hand)

Bring a ¾ saucepan full of water to a boil.
Immerse all ingredients in water, stir and simmer for 1 minute with lid on.
Remove from stove and let steep 3 minutes.
Serve with fresh berries if desired.
Fast Cooking
Just dip the entire mixture with water into a deep bowl and cook in the microwave for 3 minutes.