Nutritional value of natural soy sauce

1 min read

In Eastern countries, several types of soy sauce are popular, which differ in consistency, richness of taste and color. The final result depends on the characteristics of fermentation and the additives used for production (sugar, spices, starch, monosodium glutamate). Did you know that the average Japanese person consumes approximately 13 liters of seasoning per year!

Natural seasoning contains exclusively soybeans, salt and fermentation products. Sometimes wheat grains are also used. Some manufacturers, ignoring classical technology, add ingredients such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes and vinegar to the sauce. With such additives, the sauce is no longer natural, and its nutritional value is sharply reduced.Nutritional value of natural soy sauce

The listed components negatively affect the nutritional value of the sauce and make it unnatural. Before buying soy sauce, study its composition indicated on the label and check for any foreign ingredients. There is no sediment in the natural sauce; it has a dark brown color that is slightly translucent in the light.

Nutritional value of soy sauce:

100 ml contains approximately 50–55 kcal;
protein – 6–8 grams;
carbohydrates – 4 grams;
There are almost no fats.

This composition of the sauce turns it into an indispensable salad dressing.