How to Choose and Cook with Seasonal Produce

In Tips
3 min read

Cooking with seasonal produce is like catching a wave—it’s all about timing and goes with nature’s flow. Here’s how to do it right.

Why Seasonal?
Eating with the seasons means your veggies and fruits are fresher, tastier, and usually, they’re better for your wallet too. Plus, it’s a great way to support local farmers and reduce your carbon footprint since seasonal produce doesn’t travel as far to get to your plate.

Finding the Season’s Best
The first step is knowing what’s in season. You could check out a seasonal food guide, ask at your local farmer’s market, or just see what’s on sale at the grocery store—those discounts often mean the produce is currently abundant and at its peak.

Taste Test
Seasonal fruits and veggies are often so good on their own that you don’t need to do much to make them shine. Take a bite of that raw pepper or snap off a piece of green bean—when it’s fresh from the farm, the flavor can be surprisingly sweet or intensely earthy.

Simple PreparationsHow to Choose and Cook with Seasonal Produce
Seasonal produce is the star of the show, so keep it simple. Roast a tray of autumn vegetables with just olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss spring greens with a zesty lemon vinaigrette. Grill summer peaches for a smoky-sweet dessert.

Learn to Preserve
If you’ve hit the jackpot with a particular fruit or vegetable, why not make it last? Pickling, jamming, and freezing lets you savor the seasonal bounty long after its peak has passed.

Get Creative with Substitutions
If a recipe calls for out-of-season produce, substitute it with something that’s in season. No blueberries for your smoothie? Use strawberries instead if they’re the current pick. It might just become your new favorite combo.

Cooking with Color
Let the colors guide your cooking. Vibrant produce doesn’t just look great on your plate; it often indicates nutritional value. Mix and match colors to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients.

Listen to Your Body
Our bodies often crave what’s in season. Hearty squash in the winter fills you up and keeps you warm, while watermelon in the summer hydrates you during hot days.

So next time you’re in the kitchen, start with seasonal produce and let it inspire your meal. It’s a straightforward way to ensure you’re eating fresh, nutrient-rich foods that are as good for the planet as they are for your body. Remember, seasonal cooking is as easy as pie—especially if that pie is made with apples you picked yourself.